Crochet Balls of Any Size for Making Amigurumi

Crochet a Yarn Ball of Any Size

Basic Crochet Pattern for any size balls for all your amigurumi projects.

Crochet Yarn Balls of Various sizes

What You Need:

Crochet hook (use one hook size suggested on the yarn label)

Yarn (the weight you choose will affect the size of your balls)

Yarn needle


 Tip:   Using a smaller hook will create smaller holes in your work, which means your stuffing won’t poke through.

Crochet balls are easy to make in any size with a simple pattern formula. 

They start like a crochet circle, then crochet sides and then you work the circle in reverse. 

You can use this

 tutorial to make balls for  soft play balls for babies,  fillers for a decorative basket, dryer balls, bean bags, or even large pillows or giant ones for floor sitting.

Start the Ball With a Magic Ring (How to Make a Magic Circle)

Round 1: Start with a magic circle. Work six single crochet stitches into the center of the circle. Join with a slip stitch (six stitches).

Increase the Stitches in Each Round.   

Round 2.  Make two single crochets in each single crochet stitch from the previous round. Join with a slip stitch.  ( 12 stitches.)

Round 3.  Chain 1. *Single crochet, two single crochet in next stitch. Repeat from *. Join with a slip stitch (18 stitches).

Round 4.  Chain 1. *Single crochet, single crochet, two single crochet in next stitch. Repeat from *.  Join with a slip stitch (24 stitches).

These increased rounds determine your ball size.  Add as many rounds as you want until you reach a one-third size of the ball you want.  In each round, you need to increase six stitches. To do this, work two single crochet stitches into the same stitch. For each new round, add a plain single crochet stitch before the increase. 

Next: Work Even Rounds of Single Crochet

When you finish adding increased rows, it's time to make the middle of the ball in even single crochet rounds. 

 Rounds 5-8: Chain 1. Single crochet every stitch. Slip stitch to join. (24 stitches) 

Work the same number of rounds for the middle of the ball as you did for the increase rounds. If you worked four increase rounds, work four middle even rounds.

Next: Decrease the Stitches in Each Round

To work the last third of the crocheted ball, decrease six stitches in each round. This is the opposite of the increase rounds and you need to work as many rounds as you did for each of the other sections. 

Round 9.   Chain one. *Single crochet, single crochet, single crochet, decrease (single crochet two together). Repeat from *. Join with a slip stitch. (18 stitches)

Round 10.  Chain one. *Single crochet, single crochet, decrease (single crochet two together.) Repeat from *. Join with a slip stitch. (12 stitches)

Fill the Ball With Stuffing or Other Filler.  Before it gets too small, fill the ball with stuffing.

Round 11.  Chain one. *Single crochet, decrease (single crochet two together). Repeat from *. Join with a slip stitch. (6 stitches)

Round 12.  Chain one. *Single crochet,  decrease (single crochet two together.) Repeat from *. Join with a slip stitch. (4 stitches)

 Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail. Wrap the tail around your hook and pull it through the loop currently on the hook. Then, tie a knot to secure the ball. Weave the loose end into the stitches of the ball to hide it.

Have fun making yarn balls for fun play or your amigurumi projects.

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Yarn for all your projects!



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