How to Crochet A Heart


Crochet Hearts

These hearts can be completed in just 5 rounds and are perfect for coasters, garlands, or ornaments, with sizes varying based on yarn and hook size.


ch - chain

SC - single crochet

Foundation: ch 17

 Round 1: 3 SC into 2nd ch from the hook, 1 SC into next 6 ch, skip 2, 1 SC into next 6 ch. 3 SC into the last ch.     The next stitches will be worked along the back/bottom of the chain.  l SC into the next 6 stitches, (SC, ch2, SC) into ch2 space, 1 SC into the next 6 stitches.  Place a stitch marker into the last stitch to make the end of the round.

Round 2:  2 SC into the first 3 stitches, 1 SC into the next 5 stitches, skip 2 stitches, 1 SC into the next 5 stitches, 2 SC into the next 3 stitches, 1 SC into the next 7 stitches, (SC, ch2, SC) into ch-2 space, 1 SC into last 7 stitches. Mark your last stitch with your stitch marker.

Round 3: *2 SC into next stitch, l SC into next stitch* 3 times, 1 SC into next 4 stitches, skip 2 stitches, 1 SC into the next 5 stitches, *2 SC into next stitch, 1 SC into next stitch" 3 times.1 SC into the next 7 stitches, (SC, ch 2, SC) into ch-2 space, and 1 SC into the last 8 stitches. Mark your last stitch with your stitch marker.

Round 4: 1 SC in first stitch, *2 SC into next stitch, SC in next 2 stitches* 3 times, 1 SC into next 2 stitches, skip 2 stitches, l SC into next 4 stitches, *2 SC into next stitch, 1 SC in next 2 stitches* 3 times,  l SC into next 8 stitches, (SC, ch2, SC) into ch-2 space, l SC into last 9 stitches. Mark your last stitch with your stitch marker.

Round 5: l SC in next 2 stitches, *2 SC into next stitch,1 SC into next 3 stitches* 3 times, skip 2 stitches, l SC into next 3 stitches, *2 SC into next stitch, I SC into next 3 stitches* 3 times, l SC into next 9 stitches, (SC, ch 2, SC) into ch-2 space, 1 SC into the last 10 stitches. 

Tie off. Weave in the yarn ends.

Pink Cotton Yarn
One of my favorite cotton yarns to crochet with!

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